Monday, August 3, 2009

MMmmmm!!! The Princess Bride

I was introduced to this movie in my sixth grade science class, and I will always be thankful to that teacher for showing it to me. This is one of my feel good movies that I could watch again and again and it never gets old or boring. I have always thought of this as a goofy-fairy tale, and I stand by that. That's what makes it so good! I've always had the question in the back of my mind "why don't people in movies recognize the person behind the eyes only mask?" In this movie, I don't care. It's supposed to be silly, and I love that about it! I didn't know that Princess Buttercup is Jenny in Forrest Gump, so I supposed I learned something new. I don't think I actually knew Robin Write (Penn) was an actress...I just always associated her with Sean Penn. I know this has nothing to do with my movie review...sorry. I don't know what else to say about this other than it always make me think of flowers, butterflies, bunnies, and other happy thoughts. YAY:-)

Better Late Than Never...High Fidelity

Let me preface what I'm about to say with the blanket statement I enjoyed this movie. That being said, is it sad that my favorite character was that played by Joan Cusack? I think this is just because she always intrigues me, her wit and comedic timing is typically impeccable. Just so we're clear, I don't know anything about anything about the movie business, nor do I know how to criticize a movie...I've made that very clear. If what I say sounds wrong, it probably is. Anyhow, I felt that this movie was filled with a very well known cast, and I quite enjoyed seeing the different parts they played. Catherine Zeta-Jones was a beautiful Charlie (I don't think she ages at all by the way). Even though Jack Black typically plays the goof, this to me was a different type of goof that I quite enjoyed. Was this before he was really famous? I don't remember. Of course, I thought John Cusack did an amazing job in his role. I'd watch this movie again, I think there are some things that I didn't pick up on the first time around that would make for a better movie experience.

Monday, July 20, 2009

The Dresser

You didn't think I'd actually watch this movie, did you? Well, I did. Somehow, I didn't think it was fair for me to watch this coming Movie Monday pick without watching last weeks. While I didn't completely enjoy it, I didn't hate it either. Better than Hell Ride, in my opinion. WARNING: This is not from IMDB, or any other review. These thoughts are all mine. Initially, it struck me as odd that Sir, who seemed so competent in the beginning scenes of the movie, was this child like, needy of a caregiver, struggling to maintain his mental capacities old man. I didn't understand how he could deteriorate so quickly, but then I changed my mind. It became quite clear to me that this old man is competent while at the only place he can call home: the stage. I know that this movie is about his dresser's love for him, and how he can never have the object of his affection, but that's not really what I got out of the movie. I was more into the old man's personal story. Of course, the ending sealed the movie's true intent a little better for me, but the bulk of the movie was not about the love, but rather the caregiverness. That is all. Love ya!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Boogie Nights

To all you haters out there, I kinda like Marky Mark as an actor...kinda. He did well portraying this coming of age porn star. We got to follow the ups and downs of his porn career, and I felt that maybe, just maybe he connected to this role because this was how his career went in real life, except that this would have been him in the music industry. Rollergirl was my favorite character, I'm not sure why though. I'm not the conventional critic so of course I don't do star ratings, but if I say whether I liked the movie or not...sure, I enjoyed it. I would probably watch it again, but most likely not in the next couple of years. I do want to re-watch Fear now (although I don't care to see Planet of the Apes ever again, and I even own it.)

The Machinist...a review

Now this was a movie that I could sit and enjoy just for enjoyments sake. Was it dark? Yes. Was it disturbing? Most definitely. Was I entertained nonetheless? Absolutely. I felt the true meaning of Movie Mondays, where I get to watch something that I ordinarily would never pick to watch myself. I've never seen this side of Christian Bale before. He was so completely skinny that he didn't even look like himself to me. I know to some this statement that I am about to make is far reaching, but this movie reminded me of Fight Club. Maybe its just because of the hallucinations, I don't know, but I got a Fight Club-ish feeling overall. Don't get me wrong, the plots are completely different and one should see both to enjoy and appreciate them, but I think I enjoyed this because I liked Fight Club so much.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Wild Hearts Can't Be Broken

To be fair, this is pretty much my favorite movie, so I don't think its possible that I really criticize it. I have loved the story for as long as I can remember. I am a romantic, and I love the connection that the main character, Sonora, has with her horses and develops with her love interest, Al. I am proud of her determination to persevere through all of the obstacles thrown her way, including being given up to the state, homelessness, penniless, turned away from a job, a stable hand who desires to be a diver, and ultimately a blind girl. I don't know how to criticize shots and angles and all the other "movie stuff," so why start here? I just know what I feel, and I feel like this is a feel good movie that makes me smile and takes me back to my childhood.

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Movie Monday Review #3...The Meaning of Life

Remember when I said that I can watch a movie and enjoy it just to enjoy it? This was a movie that exhibited that! It was nice to just sit back and enjoy this movie. I found myself laughing at parts, but to be completely honest, the best part was the snippet before the real movie even started. I loved watching old people rebel against corporate america, no offense to old people. What else can I say, this movie makes me want to go watch other National Lampoons movies, and actually gave me a yearning for Mel Brooks' Robin Hood Men in Tights. I didn't absolutely love this movie, let me be clear, but I did enjoy it very much. I enjoyed how they demonstrated the meaning of being born, growing up, going to war, etc. I'd watch this movie again.