Monday, July 20, 2009

The Dresser

You didn't think I'd actually watch this movie, did you? Well, I did. Somehow, I didn't think it was fair for me to watch this coming Movie Monday pick without watching last weeks. While I didn't completely enjoy it, I didn't hate it either. Better than Hell Ride, in my opinion. WARNING: This is not from IMDB, or any other review. These thoughts are all mine. Initially, it struck me as odd that Sir, who seemed so competent in the beginning scenes of the movie, was this child like, needy of a caregiver, struggling to maintain his mental capacities old man. I didn't understand how he could deteriorate so quickly, but then I changed my mind. It became quite clear to me that this old man is competent while at the only place he can call home: the stage. I know that this movie is about his dresser's love for him, and how he can never have the object of his affection, but that's not really what I got out of the movie. I was more into the old man's personal story. Of course, the ending sealed the movie's true intent a little better for me, but the bulk of the movie was not about the love, but rather the caregiverness. That is all. Love ya!

1 comment:

Shun said...

So I was on Netflix today and saw a strikingly similar review. Coincidence? Just kidding.