Monday, December 11, 2006

Home Stretch

I'm almost there...if I can just get through one exam tomorrow, one AM exam on Thursday and watching some friends graduate, I will be at home. I cannot wait! I am so ready to be at home I just can't stand it. I'm coming back here on New Years Eve, going to the basketball game, spending the evening on Franklin, then hanging out around the hill until the new semester starts. Then, student teaching, here I come...I'm really really nervous about that. Okay, so this is sort of stream of consciousness because I'm watching Gilmore Girls, I'm kind of distracted so I'll write more later, probably.

Monday, November 27, 2006

Yay for Turkey Day!

Thanksgiving was pretty good this year...very relaxing I think. I went to the mountains and saw lots of family that I don't see but every two years. On a better note, only seven days of classes remaining...that means only 5 or 6 left for me...YAY!!! Almost done, almost finished, student teaching here I come!!! Okay, I have to go to the grocery store now, but more later.

Monday, November 20, 2006

I just had an epiphany (sp?) about a book that I just read...and it made me sad. I hate when that happens!

Monday, November 13, 2006


So today my volleyball team went to the playoffs and lost in the first round, but that is okay with me. Despite my need for a t-shirt (which I can't really explain, even to myself) I am happy with the way I played. I can honestly say that I gave it my best, as did my team members. Yay for volleyball. Maybe some more in the Spring? Classes are going okay...mostly. I can't ever get myself to concentrate for anything. Some of my teachers are understanding, but one in particular is not. She just does not get that we students have things going on in our lives other than that one class. We have other classes to attend to, work for other professors to complete in the same time frame that we have to complete her work. I can't understand why she is so harsh with grading and lacks understanding...even when my grade is her fault and not mine. Urgh. I ramble, I know.

On a good note, Leia has invited me to go with her to the Ohio State game on the 29, so I will definately be there! Yay, I'm uber excited! I don't like this new lottery system, or maybe I do, I don't know.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Test Post

I created this so that I can comment on my friends who are on here, but I've decided to post here permanently. YAY ME!