Monday, December 11, 2006

Home Stretch

I'm almost there...if I can just get through one exam tomorrow, one AM exam on Thursday and watching some friends graduate, I will be at home. I cannot wait! I am so ready to be at home I just can't stand it. I'm coming back here on New Years Eve, going to the basketball game, spending the evening on Franklin, then hanging out around the hill until the new semester starts. Then, student teaching, here I come...I'm really really nervous about that. Okay, so this is sort of stream of consciousness because I'm watching Gilmore Girls, I'm kind of distracted so I'll write more later, probably.

1 comment:

Geoff said...

Hey Becca :),
I started a blog when I came over to England. Not exciting, but then I found something else that made me think about everyone's old LJs :-D and then I found this link. I'm going to add it to my google reader so if you update I'll see it. Hope all is well and school's treating you well!