Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Review #2...Punch Drunk Love

Perhaps its my fault for not writing this review any sooner, but I honestly don't remember enough from Punch Drunk Love. I would classify myself as an Adam Sandler fan, which made me excited to watch the movie once I realized he was in it (which was the moment I saw him on the screen.) I've been told that this is a movie that you either love or you hate, and I definitely don't fall on the love end of that spectrum. From the beginning of the movie when Sandler went outside of the office and saw the table thrown out of the garbage truck I was confused. Was he playing a special person, care of Sean Penn in Rain Man? Sorry if I'm not PC, I'm merely stating what went through my head. As the storyline progressed and a romantic interest was introduced, I began to pay a little more attention and tried to enjoy the movie a bit more. I really enjoyed the toilet plunger antics. Alas, again, I kind of fell off of the movie wagon. I know this post is all over the place, but that's kind of how I felt about the movie. It couldn't keep my attention very well, but I do think it is one of those movies that I would enjoy if I saw it again, going in it with a different set of expectations.


Shun said...

I think you confused your special people. Sean Penn was in I Am Sam where he played a mentally challenged? person. Dustin Hoffman was in Rain Man, and his character was autistic. But I get what you mean. I'm in agreeance with your review.

bex126 said...

I stand corrected, I meant Dustin Hoffman:-)